Please note that the Parish Office is closed on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday. Wishing you all a Blessed and Fruitful Holy Week!

Spring is here. On Palm Sunday we welcomed over 1700 people in church. It set the tone for a wonderful start of the Easter celebrations in our parish. With 11 adults entering the church, over 80 children receiving their First Holy Communion, and 33 teenagers being...

Easter Basket Blessing

Personal Easter Baskets will be blessed during Mass on Easter Sunday. Come to the back of the Church after the Creed and join in the Offertory Procession. Place your basket on the altar and you can collect it again after Mass.

Easter Flowers

Anyone wishing to contribute flowers to be part of our Easter decorations is welcome to bring white or pastel flowers to church on Holy Thursday (7:30 p.m.) or Good Friday (3:00 p.m. or 7:30 p.m.).  We are also pleased to receive artificial flowers and greenery....

During Lent we usually have a fundraising campaign for an outside charity, as a token of our solidarity with those in need. For our Lenten activity this year, besides prayer and fasting, we would like to focus on a “COS Got Talent” campaign. This idea was...