Inspirational Message Summer 2023

After a pastoral year in which life returned to a sense of normalcy marked by a wonderful Food Fair and a marvelous COS Silver Jubilee celebration, it’s good to take a quiet moment and enjoy the rest that summertime offers. Throughout the past year I’ve noticed that...

Virtual Tour of our Church and Pastoral Centre

We have a beautiful church building in which we come together to worship and pray. Our Pastoral Centre has many different rooms and spaces which we use to house the many activities organized within our community each week as well as rental opportunities for meetings...

Coronation Mass concert in November!  Did you see the royal couple advertising the Coronation Mass at the Food Fair?  Would you still like to join or do you know someone who might? If so, please use this link to sign up: The first rehearsal was on Friday, 16...

COS Jubilee Weekend Donations

If you would like to make a donation towards the Jubilee Weekend celebrating Fr. Sjaak’s 25th Anniversary as Pastor of our parish, we would be very happy to receive your gift! Please scan the QR code or click here. God Bless You!