Any child who has received the sacraments of baptism and First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church
can be an altar server. It is a great opportunity for them to grow in their faith and become more active in
the Church. Just as you involve your child in activities at home — whether it’s setting the table for supper
or tidying up the kitchen together after—inviting your child to join in activities at church, such as becoming
an altar server, will help them increase in skill and interest.
The sanctuary is very sacred, and serving there requires the utmost respect. To be an altar server
requires discipline and conscientiousness. Your child will have to pay more attention to the whole Mass to
help remember sequences, and will also learn to follow instructions. Altar servers have to pay attention as
to when to give the wine and hosts, ring the bell, or process back to the entrance of the church. The
discipline and attention to detail which a child learns as an altar server provides valuable skills they need
to become responsible adults.
Your children are the Church’s future. We are excited to see them flourish in the love of God and
neighbour through this ministry of service and through the opportunities for fellowship with like-minded
Catholic Christians.
If your child is keen to be an altar server, please email your name, child/ren name and date of birth at You can download the information flyer, with dates for the training sessions in 2023, here.