Altar Flowers Dedication for Sunday 28 April 2024

This Sunday’s altar flowers are dedicated by Julian Ng, “In honour and respect to my dear friend’s father, Appu Belavance, who passed away last month.”  If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a commemoration of a special anniversary or event, please...

Altar Flowers

“Today’s altar flowers are offered by the Ng Family in loving memory of Mr Ng Khai Loy (04.03.1938 – 04.03.2023).” If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a commemoration of a special anniversary or event, please contact our Flowers...

Behind the Scenes with the Flower Arrangers

Our Parish has a tradition of having parishioners bring in flowers for flower decorators to use to decorate the altar for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Our little flower kitchen was overflowing with flowers that people brought in from their own gardens and from...

Please note that the Parish Office is closed on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday. Wishing you all a Blessed and Fruitful Holy Week!