On the Threshold of the Summer of 2021

A very challenging pastoral year 2020-2021 comes to an end. Many of our parishioners are tired and long for summer with renewed family contacts, travel options, and less restricted life. We have all spent lots of energy trying to survive and getting through the Corona...

Monthly Inspirational- May 2021

The month of May is usually a month of many festivities. Weddings, First Communions, and Confirmations are all planned long in advance. Even though the terraces and shops in The Hague are slowly starting to re-open again and more people are getting vaccinated, Corona...

Monthly Inspirational- April 2021

On the Threshold of April 2021 Last Easter, the first lockdown in The Netherlands was so strict and severe that Holy Week could not be celebrated in church. Everything was literally closed. All the ceremonies were video streamed from my living room. The singing and...

Monthly Inspiration – March 2021

Dear Parishioner/Visitor, February brought us ice, snow, and spring all in one week. The NASA Rover named “Percey” landed on Mars and the distribution of the COVID 19 vaccine in Holland started very slowly. The lockdown restrictions will most likely last throughout...

Monthly Inspiration – December 2020

Christ the King 2020 crowned in a Corona Year. The Feast of Christ the King signals the end of the current  liturgical year and the following Sunday which is  the First Sunday of Advent,  starts a new liturgical  year. Does Christ need this royal title? Not really,...

Monthly Inspirational – November 2020

Reflections on the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. The Beatitudes spoken by Christ over 2000 years ago,  apply just as much to the privileged as they do to the under-privileged. We find persecution of people in high places as well as among people without any...