Charities Committee 2023 report

Our parish community has an active outreach program which includes donating to small charities around the world. You can read all about the latest charitable work in the 2023 Charities Committee report. You can download the 2023 Charities committee report...

Please Be Vigilant!

Once again, we have had reports from parishioners who have received emails from individuals pretending to be Fr. Sjaak. Fr. Sjaak will never contact you through an intermediate organization or website. If you are in doubt about the authenticity of any email you...

Soul Kitchen Dinners

As part of our outreach to the refugee community in The Hague, we organize monthly dinners prepared alternately by members of the refugee community and the COS international community.  These dinners provide an opportunity for volunteer and refugee families to...

Interreligious Plea for Peace

Fr. Sjaak joined Reverend Michael Roden from The Anglican and Episcopalian Church in The Hague and Marianne van Praag from the Liberal Synagogue in front of the Peace Palace on Thursday afternoon to lay flowers and observe a minute of silence as a show of solidarity...

Laudate Deum- Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis

Pope Francis has published a follow-up to his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’. Entitled Laudato Deum (Praise God), the letter amplifies the message from Laudato Si’ and stresses that the care of our common home flows from our Christian faith. It is a timely...