A COS Virtual Food Drive to help a poor neighborhood in The Hague and the Soup Kitchen in Rotterdam was held in November this year. The result was announced on Sunday 4 December during the morning Mass with the help of Sinterklaas who was visiting the parish.
It was also the ‘RE Class Mass’ where the Religious Education children prepared and played an important part in the Liturgy.
A grand total of € 7338.75 was raised in only 2 weeks!
After the Mass, 17 families of our parish helped deliver the food to the Emmauskerk Food Pantry to restock their shelves.
Many thanks to the coordinator of RE, Margaret van Emmerik, who coordinated the Virtual Food Drive together with her husband Johan van Emmerik; the RE kids and their parents; all the volunteers who extended their helping hands; and of course, to all our parishioners for their donations.
This great gesture of generosity which is in keeping with the giving spirit of Advent is helping so many families, senior citizens, and homeless people.
May God bless you all.