To add even more to the festivities, Food Fair 2023 was held on the Saturday of Jubilee weekend. It was a grand success, bringing our parish community together.
Thanks to the Food Fair Team led by André and Cátia, their band of helpers, and to all the parishioners who prepared and sold tasty food and drinks from all over the world. In just four hours, the Food Fair raised an amount of Euros 13,654! There are still costs and expenses to be deducted, but we are confident that the net result will be a worthy sum which will be donated to deserving charities.
FOOD FAIR CHARITIES SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED! Those who volunteered at the Food Fair 2023 are eligible to submit charities to the Charities Committee for consideration. The Charities application form is now available. Please contact charitiescommittee@parish.nl, with foodfair@parish.nl in CC to receive a copy of the form. Deadline for submitting completed forms is 15th of September. Forms received after this date will not be considered.
Thank you everybody for this incredible result and may God bless you all for your generosity and support.