Our Ministries

We have a very active volunteer base that helps our parish thrive on a daily basis. Our Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Choirs, and Ushers are always ready to serve our community to the best of their abilities. We are humbled and ever grateful for all that you do.

Altar Servers

The Altar Servers Coordinator is Luiza Lopes, who creates the schedules, usually a month or two in advance.

Boys and girls who have already completed their First Holy Communion are welcome to join. Full training is provided! You can download the information sheet and training schedule for 2023 below.

Please send an email to cosaltarservers@gmail.com to sign up or for further information.

The COS Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled on a rotational basis by the Coordinator, Jose Bakker.

As well as assisting the Pastor at the regular services, they assist in taking communion to the sick. Workshops are offered for the ministers, and we do require that ministers are prepared for their office through these.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers

The COS Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled on a rotational basis by the Coordinator, Jose Bakker.

As well as assisting the Pastor at the regular services, they assist in taking communion to the sick. Workshops are offered for the ministers, and we do require that ministers are prepared for their office through these.


If you have a clear reading voice and feel you could contribute to the Lector team, contact the Coordinators, Janete Bloemen or Gabriella Mattiazo – van Velde via office@parish.nl.

Workshops are organised occasionally to help lectors improve and enhance their public speaking skills.

COS Music Ministry

Harmony – Communion – Joy

The COS Music Ministry (CMM) invites you to become part of a group of parishioners who enjoy making music and praising together.

If you can sing or play musical instruments- JOIN US! Rehearsals are on Friday evenings in the atrium or in the church.

We also need support behind the scenes for lyric preparation and projection, sound set-up, etc.

We would be very happy to have you come and join us. Visit our CMM website here for more information.

You can read Pope Francis’ inspiring message to choirs here.

“When we sing, we pray twice.” – St. Augustine


This group is an especially important ministry in our church, with its international and transient congregation.

The members are there to welcome people and to provide information to parishioners, both new and established. Also in our often very crowded church, they help people to find seats and generally assist in the logistics of organizing the services.

New volunteers are always very welcome. Contact Arthur Faulkner via office@parish.nl.