Meals for the Homeless

Meals for the Homeless cooks and serves a warm 3 course sitdown meal twice a month to 120 homeless people. The meal consists of a starter (salad or soup), a warm main dish (with a vegetarian version) and a nice dessert, followed by coffee/tea and fruit.  For Christmas, Easter, or Valentine’s Day, we add surprises to the meal – nice toiletries, chocolates, etc.

The meals have become a meeting point where the guests can meet with their friends, talk with the street pastor’s team, and enjoy a nice meal in a warm place. For those who want, they can also participate in an ecumenical service before the meal.

Our History

Meals for the Homeless started in 2006 as an initiative of the Church of Our Saviour, the International Roman Catholic Parish in The Hague. The idea was originally to replace the usual “soep met broodje” with a warm sit-down meal twice a month. We started small and we are now serving a maximum capacity of 120 guests. Any extra guests are given a meal voucher.

Volunteering (18+ years old)

Working at Meals for the Homeless is a formidable and international experience. As our cooks come from all over the world, our guests experience many different tastes and colours. Our meals are always very much appreciated. Although our cooks work mostly from home, we use a professional kitchen at Westeinde to assemble everything.

We need 15 volunteers each meal to help in the kitchen, in the dining room as servers, and as part of the dishwashing and cleaning team.  The volunteers work hard but leave with a warm feeling. Our volunteers at Westeinde must be 18+.

Meals for the Homeless has good contact with the different international schools in The Hague. Together, they organise projects for the homeless. Many students volunteer as part of their IB/ Community Service program. They organise collections (toiletries, socks etc.) to give to the homeless and make the desserts from time to time. We aim to make this a very fulfilling experience for the students.

Contacts: Isabelle Pradier & Anne McMahon