Complete Religious Education and Confirmation Registration
You can complete the RE or Confirmation registration process here. You can do this by clicking the “Add to cart” button for the appropriate class and entering the password provided to you by the coordinator when prompted to do so.
If you have not yet submitted the registration form, you can use the button below to take you to the online registration form.
Complete Religious Education and Confirmation Registration
You can complete the RE or Confirmation registration process here. You can do this by clicking the “Add to cart” button for the appropriate class and entering the password provided to you by the coordinator when prompted to do so.
If you have not yet submitted the registration form, you can use the button below to take you to the online registration form.
After the registration form has been completed, you will be contacted by the coordinator and receive more information and a password so you can pay for the class(es). You can do this by clicking the “Add to cart” button for the appropriate class and entering the password when prompted to do so.
Second Grade and First Holy Communion:
Jesus Shares God’s Life
Ages: 7 and 8, but older children are welcome
Covers: Jesus Christ is with us always. Jesus calls us to Penance and Reconciliation. Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist. We live our Catholic faith.
This grade includes all fees for First Holy Communion.