After a long Covid break, we are happy to announce that the Praat Café has resumed face-to-face meetings this year.
The meetings are held every Monday evening at the Lola Bikes and Coffee café in The Hague. During these sessions, a group of Dutch-speaking volunteers and refugees come together in a fun and informal setting to get to know each other, have small group talks, and share ice-breaker games.
This is a great opportunity for our refugee friends to have one-on-one Dutch conversations every week to help them learn and speak Dutch. More importantly, connectedness, brotherhood, and friendship are developed which goes over and beyond mere language benefits. There is so much laughter and joy that people can hardly wait for the next session!
This life-changing activity started in November 2018 as an initiative of the Hand in Hand Refugee Project, within the Justice & Peace Ministry of our parish.
If you would like more information about the Praat Café or would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office and we will put you in touch with the project coordinator, Anthony Heinsbroek.