Signs of Celebration and Devotion

Throughout our lives, we have various significant moments in which we need some extra spiritual guidance. Within our faith, these rites are what we call the seven sacraments.  These sacraments strengthen our faith and forge a deeper relationship with God.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

The fees for sacramental programs can be downloaded here.

Throughout our lives we have various significant moments in which we need some extra spiritual guidance. The sacraments of initiation, healing and service all strengthen our faith and forge a deeper relationship with God.

If you want more information on any of these, please contact the office.

The fees for sacramental programs can be downloaded here.


When a new member has been added to your private family, it is time also to think about his or her initiation into the Catholic Christian family. The Church of Our Saviour would like to be a part of welcoming him or her into the body of Christ. Even if your child’s baptism will be in your country of origin, it is important that you prepare for this sacrament. For Adult Baptism we refer you to the RCIA Program.

Guidelines for Infant Baptisms


We are happy you have chosen our parish community for the baptism of your child. It’s always a pleasure to be able to extend a welcome to a new member of the family of Christ.


Please contact the parish office at least one month before the baptism. For first time parents, a meeting with the pastor may be arranged. At least one Catholic Godparent is a requirement for the baptism. All other Christian Godparents are welcome. 


Baptisms take place on Sundays at 12 noon subject to the availability of the pastor. Please contact the parish office for the available dates.

During Lent we do not schedule baptisms, although, of course, in an emergency, alternative arrangements may be arranged.

During the Celebration

It’s important for the service to begin on time. Therefore, we ask that the parents and Godparents arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled baptism for a final briefing.


You are welcome to record the baptism on film, but we can only allow for one camera per family (either video or photo). We would also like to stress again that the baptism is part of a community act of worship and thus that the use of any camera needs to be discreet. We would ask that you do not walk around during the service, and naturally photography or filming of other sections of the service is not appropriate. Neither the parents nor the godparents should be filming or taking photographs. After the service the Pastor will be available for special photographs, if you so wish.

The baptism of your child involves preparation and paperwork . For the new pastoral year 2024-2025, the fee is €100 to cover these administrative costs. A baptismal certificate and candle are included in this fee.

If you wish to have your child baptized with us, please contact the Parish Office via email


Appointments for Reconciliation can be made by contacting the Parish Office via email.


Receiving Jesus Christ for the first time in Holy Communion is the most profound moment in the religious formation of a young child.  To receive First Holy Communion, your child must be enrolled in RE classes.  The COS Catechist aims to help children grow in their understanding, love, and appreciation of the Eucharist and to participate readily in catechizing their students. They will work each week teaching your child about our faith. As a parent, you have the primary role in the sacramental process for your child. You will help your child grow in faith as you prepare him or her for the reception of the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

If you would like to enroll your child for First Holy Communion, you will need to complete the Religious Education application.

For more information or additional questions visit the First Holy Communion page.


Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is offered to those students (between 14 and 18 years old) who have completed the Religious Education class years (up to Grade 8/Year 9/Class 2).

Older students are recommended to consider the RCIA Program.

Meetings are held on various Sunday evenings 2 or 3 times a month at 15:30 before the 5:30 PM mass. Please check the calendar on the ‘’What’s on’’ page for dates of the meetings. For more information, the Confirmation Preparation calendar and to register, please go to the Confirmation page.


 Marriage Preparation (Couples Group):
Intended for couples who have decided to get married in the Catholic Church.

There are added values to getting married in the Church: the Church celebrates marriage as a covenant rather than a contract, enriches concepts of love, growing in love, feeling blessed, a sense of belonging, and the continuous growth of the whole person, both as an individual and as a part of the couple.

“Marriage preparation should ensure that the couple does not view the wedding ceremony as the end of the road, but instead embark upon marriage as a lifelong calling based on a firm and realistic decision to face all trials and difficult moments together.  The preparation is centered around the marriage bond, assisting couples not only to deepen their love but also to overcome problems and difficulties. This involves not only helping them to (understand and) accept the Church’s teaching and to have recourse to her valuable resources, but also offering practical programs, sound advice, proven strategies and psychological guidance.” (Amoris Laetitia, par.211)

A program of four sessions for a fixed group of participants with the following content:

Session 1

  • Theology of Marriage and the Wedding Ceremony
  • Fr. Sjaak

Session 2

  • Potluck at 6:30PM
  • Effective relationships
  • Jan & Ursula

Session 3

  • Seven levels of intimacy & family life
  • Omar & Mariluz

Session 4

  • Creating generous relationships relevant to modern society based on Christian values
  • Fr. Sjaak

As in previous years, there are two programs planned for the pastoral year 2024 – 2025.

The first wedding preparation program will start on Thursday 19 September 2024 and will continue for 3 more evenings on Tuesday 15 October, Monday 18 November, and the last night is on Thursday 19 December. 

The second program will start on Thursday 20 February 2025 and will continue for 3 more evenings: Tuesday 18 March, Tuesday  15 April, and the last night is on Thursday  15 May.


Thursday sessions will take place in the COS Loft of the Pastoral Center while Tuesday sessions will take place in the Atrium of the Pastoral Center. The entrance is at Helenastraat 8, The Hague. Coffee and tea will be provided.

The sessions start at 7:30 PM and close between 9:30 and 10 PM.

Please note that the second session starts with a potluck meal at 6:30 PM.

The marriage preparation team consists of Fr Sjaak de Boer, Jan & Ursula de Jong, Joeri & Stephanie Olijhoek, and Omar & Mariluz Rodriguez.

Joeri & Stephanie will take care of the registration and administration of participants.

Every participating couple pays €75 which will be used to cover the costs and to contribute to one of the many charity projects of the parish.

The money should be paid prior to the start of the program. The account number of the COS parish is NL34 ABNA 0599 346 264; please add “marriage preparation” and your names when you transfer the money.

If you are interested in attending the marriage preparation program, please contact the parish office by email with all your marriage details.

NOTE: Couples intending to get married are also welcome to complete their marriage paperwork in our parish. Once these papers are approved by the diocese, they are valid worldwide. If you and your fiancé(e) would like to do your paperwork in our parish, please get in touch with the office six months prior to the event to begin the process. We will need a recent copy of your Baptism Certificates.

In the case of an interreligious marriage (with a partner from another denomination or a non-baptized person), a dispensation is required which takes a bit more time.

Holy Orders

Both male and female candidates who would like to explore a vocation to the the religious life may contact the Parish office via email. Beside the diocesan formation program, there are many religious orders in the Catholic church, each of whom have their own special charism and formation for different forms of ministry. If you would like to know more, you are always welcome for an informative conversation or further personal spiritual guidance.

Anointing of the Sick

In case of severe illness, an appointment for anointing of the sick can be made with the pastoral team at the hospital where the sick person is being cared for, or through our Parish Office via email.


Whether it is in celebration, in mourning, or in prayer. We do this together.

If you would like us to perform any of the sacramentals listed below, please contact the Parish Office.

Renewal of vows
House blessings
Mass intentions
Renewal of vows
House blessings
Mass intentions