Starting the new Pastoral Year 2022-2023
For the first time in three years, we open the new pastoral year under normal circumstances. Even though the effects from Corona are not fully behind us yet, we plan, organize and look forward to many events in the coming year. During this year one of the most important things will be to rebuild the community after a time of isolation, restrictions and setbacks.
Looking ahead to 2023, we will begin to prepare for the 25 years of pastoral service in The Hague in June and the World Youth Days in Lisbon in August.
When Pope Francis installed 20 new Cardinals in Rome on 27 August, he reminded the new leaders of the church in his homily that they should be servants above anything else. He asked them to be great in matters of diplomacy and in small pastoral matters.
He went on to say – ‘’When we contemplate Jesus in our lives, we look for the fire of God in our faith. That same fire cooks the food of poor families, migrants, and homeless people. Jesus calls us by name, we are not a number, but Christ looks us in the eye and asks us: Who are you? Can I count on you? That is the Lord’s question. ‘’
The Pope’s appeal to the cardinals can be extended to every one of us. Together we make the church into what it is. The invitation Amare et Servire (to Love and to Serve) is repeated in every Eucharist when Christ asks us to: “Do this in memory of me”.
A parish community can make a difference in society when it looks the world around it in the eyes and says, you can count on me for living the values of the Gospel. That will translate itself in Ora et Labora, prayer and good works.
I wish that in all our liturgies, groups and activities, the joy and solidarity of good living may come through as a result of a faith that is filled with the fire of God in our hearts.
Enjoy the new pastoral year at COS.
Fr. Sjaak de Boer
For the 25th year Pastor of the RC Parish Church of Our Saviour.