Dear Parishioner, Alumni, Visitor or Websurfer, Welcome to the website of the Roman Catholic Parish of the Church of Our Saviour in The Hague, The Netherlands. Here you will find a vibrant community that meets for liturgies, events and meetings in the parish, and...

Spring is here. On Palm Sunday we welcomed over 1700 people in church. It set the tone for a wonderful start of the Easter celebrations in our parish. With 11 adults entering the church, over 80 children receiving their First Holy Communion, and 33 teenagers being...

2024 is here! With a new year ahead of us, we have plenty of new opportunities to make the most of our precious time. Of course, a lot of things may hold us back like a busy work agenda and the uncertainties about where the world is going because of wars and political...

Message for the Last Quarter of 2023

As we approach the end of 2023, we feel uncertain about where the world is heading. With rising tension in conflict areas on the fringe of the European Community, the impact of war becomes part of our daily lives. The news is dominated by fear. We see many desperate...

Inspirational Message Summer 2023

After a pastoral year in which life returned to a sense of normalcy marked by a wonderful Food Fair and a marvelous COS Silver Jubilee celebration, it’s good to take a quiet moment and enjoy the rest that summertime offers. Throughout the past year I’ve noticed that...

Spring invites us for more fun and joyful times together. We look forward to the First Communion of more than 70 kids, Confirmation of 30 youths, and lots of weddings. Eastertide shows new light and life in the planet and the Church. A few extra festivities this year...