Courtesy Visit to the Papal Nuncio

The youth from our parish who went to the World Youth Day in Lisbon were so inspired by their experiences there that they made a special cross to commemorate them. On Friday, 10 October, they paid a courtesy visit to the Papal Nuncio, Mgr. Dr. Paul Tschang In Nam, to...

Newly Married Network- 26 October

We are a group of recently married couples that meets occasionally for social get-togethers and events/workshops exploring the joys and adventures of married life. All members of the parish who have been married less than five years are welcome to join. Our first...

Laudate Deum- Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis

Pope Francis has published a follow-up to his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’. Entitled Laudato Deum (Praise God), the letter amplifies the message from Laudato Si’ and stresses that the care of our common home flows from our Christian faith. It is a timely...

Parish Retreat 2023 was a spiritual, restful weekend

The 2023 Parish Retreat, “A Weekend Rest with Jesus”, took place from 6- 8 October at the Bezinningscentrum Emmaus in Helvoirt, near Den Bosch. The retreat was lead by Dr. Wilson Angelo Espiritu, a assistant professor at the Theology Department of the Ateneo de Manila...

Blessing of Rosaries

October is the month of the rosary. Rosaries will be blessed at both the morning and evening Masses on Sunday, 8 October. If you would like to have your Rosary blessed, please bring it with you to Mass on 8 October. Pope Francis has some wise words in honor of Our...