Praat Café: A Hand in Hand Refugee Project

After a long Covid break, we are happy to announce that the Praat Café has resumed face-to-face meetings this year. The meetings are held every Monday evening at the Lola Bikes and Coffee café in The Hague. During these sessions, a group of Dutch-speaking volunteers...

Sinterklaas party with refugee children at COS

On 27th November, the COS Hand in Hand Refugee project hosted its annual Sinterklaas celebration for 40 refugee children and their families. Due to COVID regulations, this was safely held inside the church instead of in the atrium.    Our volunteers Ian...

Advent Giving Tree 2021

This beautiful Advent season comes with many wonderful moments of solidarity and warm hospitality. Our annual 50/50 Advent Giving Tree is now at the back of the church with 50 envelopes for the following recipients: Victims of Abuse/ViolenceRefugeesAdult Parishioners...

Monthly Inspirational Message

Last Advent we never thought that for this year, Corona numbers would hit record highs. It has become an art therefore to look at life from a perspective of what is possible, rather than what is not. Advent rings in a new Liturgical year. The year 2022 looks promising...