Welcome to our new website! During a time that stricter rules to prevent the spreading of the corona virus in Holland are enforced, our website and video streaming are new lifelines to keep the community together. We all suffer from the many challenges this pandemic brings with it, but new heroes are also born through the way they help others through physical, emotional, and material crises. Every day I am impressed by the amount of kindness, generosity, and dedication that our volunteers display. I started this month with 9-day vacation period. Even though all the travel plans were cancelled, and a sad corona related funeral changed my plans. I was happy for all the blessings that we still do enjoy. My heart goes out to the people who lost their loved ones, livelihood, and jobs. We need each other’s positive energy and our faith to keep us going.
This month’s mission Prayer intention from Pope Francis is :
October: The Laity’s Mission in the Church.
We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women,
may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.
It is through one of the women in our Parish Board, Stephanie, that we have this new website! The vast majority of our RE teachers and Justice and Peace volunteers are women. When during this month of the Holy Rosary, we pray the words “Blessed among women”, let us also think of all the women in our parish who are true pillars of strength! I wish you all a good October month and pray for your health and safety!
Fr. Sjaak