News archive

All older news posts and information we published on our website are found bellow. You can browse through all posts, or find any of them by searching for a topic in the search bar.

News Archive

The COS Lunchroom is returning for the 2023/2024 school year. Before the pandemic, the lunchroom was very popular with our parishioners after the morning Mass and was well known for its good quality of food and service. For more than 4 years, the COS Lunchroom helped...

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Memories of Jubilee Weekend 2023

Memories of Jubilee Weekend 2023

Re-watch Jubilee Mass here Watch "One Generation of COS" video (9 minutes) To add even more to the festivities, Food Fair 2023 was held on the Saturday of Jubilee weekend. It was a grand success, bringing our parish community together. Thanks to the Food Fair Team led...

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The Church is Fantastic!

The Church is Fantastic!

Prof. Rik Torfs is a prolific writer, author of several books, and former rector of the Catholic Leuven University. He will be giving a lecture on his book “The Church is Fantastic" on Saturday 09 September 2023 from 14.00-16.00 in Church followed by a reception in...

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Food Fair 2023 Update

Food Fair 2023 Update

The Food Fair on the Jubilee weekend was a grand success, bringing our parish community together. Thanks to the Food Fair Team led by André and Cátia, their band of helpers, and to all the parishioners who prepared and sold tasty food and drinks from all over the...

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Altar Flowers Dedication

Altar Flowers Dedication

The altar flowers this Sunday 2nd July are offered by Cheryl Carr, “In loving memory of my darling husband, John, on the anniversary of his passing.  Each day in my thoughts, forever in my heart.”  If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a...

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Altar Flowers Dedication

Altar Flowers Dedication

The altar flowers this Sunday 25 June are donated by Alice Obomanu and Family. “In thanksgiving to God for all His blessings in my family.” If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a commemoration of a special anniversary or event, please contact our Flowers...

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World Refugee Day 2023

World Refugee Day 2023

Tuesday 20 June was World Refugee Day – an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe who were forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. Despite the code amber weather warning, a few refugees and...

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Coronation Mass concert in November!  Did you see the royal couple advertising the Coronation Mass at the Food Fair?  Would you still like to join or do you know someone who might? If so, please use this link to sign up: The first rehearsal was on Friday, 16...

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COS Jubilee Weekend Donations

COS Jubilee Weekend Donations

If you would like to make a donation towards the Jubilee Weekend celebrating Fr. Sjaak's 25th Anniversary as Pastor of our parish, we would be very happy to receive your gift! Please scan the QR code or click here. God Bless You!

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PDF Downloads

Welcome Letter 2020 – 2021

Pamphlet 2020 – 2021

Children’s Liturgy

Hand in Hand Refugee