News archive
All older news posts and information we published on our website are found bellow. You can browse through all posts, or find any of them by searching for a topic in the search bar.
News Archive
Christmas Sing Along and Christmas Market – A Grand Success
On Sunday December 8th the church resounded to the beautiful music of the Christmas season. Many groups from our parish performed well-known Christmas carols. We had the Children’s choir conducted by Patricia Butterfield, the Youth Group, the COS Music Ministry...
Christmas Message from the Meals for the Homeless Team
Two Fridays each month, the Meals for the Homeless Team prepare and serve a nutritious and tasty meal for the homeless people of The Hague at the shelter at Westeinde 104. They do this great work with joy in their hearts which shines through in the smiles on their...
COSCom Newsletter- December 2024
The December 2024 edition of COSCom, our quarterly digital newsletter, is now available. You can download a pdf copy of the newsletter here. If you are not yet signed up for our mailing list and would prefer to get a digital copy of the newsletter emailed to you each...
Advent Giving Tree
Every year, our parish has an Advent Giving Tree, where you can choose an envelope with a worthy cause and make a donation to share the joy of the Christmas season with those who are less fortunate than ourselves. It's always nice to be able to see who those gifts go...
Parish Office Closed for Holidays
The Parish Office will be closed for the holidays from Monday 23 December- Friday 4 January 2025, inclusive. The Parish Office will re-open on Monday, 6 January.
Final Document of the XVI Assembly for a Synodal Church
On Saturday afternoon, 26 October 2024, the members of the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops approved the Final Document. Pope Francis approved its publication. The Final Document is in the original Italian but the...
Altar Flowers Dedication for Sunday 10 November 2024
If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a commemoration of a special anniversary or event, please contact our Flowers Team Coordinator Cheryl Carr via the Parish Office or at
Parish Retreat 2024
The 2024 Parish Retreat took place on the weekend of 1-3 November at the Bezinningscentrum Emmaus in Helvoirt. The retreat was led by Rev'd Michael Roden on the topic, “From passion to compassion- Christian pilgrimage through an agitated world”. The group of ten...
COS Music Ministry Retreat
The new COS Music Ministry had an inaugural retreat on 19 October at the Landgoed Den Burgh in Rijswijk. The retreat was led by Mr. Neil John G. Capidos from the Catholic University in Leuven. During the day, the 31 attendees sang and reflected on a variety of topics,...
Bike raffle- and the winner is …
The winning ticket for the bicycle raffle is ticket number 004. The lucky winner can claim their prize in the sacristy after Mass this Sunday, or by stopping by the Parish Office during office hours (09:30- 15:30, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). You must...