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Mass Time
Weekday Mass
Friday 12:00 noon in Day Chapel
By appointment
Weekends in church
Sunday 10AM and 5:30PM
Mass Time
Weekday Mass
Friday 12:00 noon in Day Chapel
By appointment
Weekends in church
Sunday 10AM and 5:30PM
Watch Mass
Every Sunday morning we stream our Mass live for you to follow from the comfort and safety of your own home. It is also available for replay.

Our Mission Statement
We, The International English Speaking Roman Catholic Parish “Church of Our Saviour” in The Hague aim to share our assets, talents, and opportunities as a continuation of Christ’s mission. Through the wide variety of cultures and international networks, our inclusive parish offers a unique opportunity to translate the values of the Gospel in concrete initiatives to promote justice and peace. We promote a spirituality that is geared to respect people, planet, and sustainability. The inclusion of all people of good will is a constant guideline for our religious formation programs, personal witness, and community initiatives.
With parishioners from over 70 different countries, we are a large International English speaking Roman Catholic Parish based in The Hague, the Netherlands. You are very welcome to join us!
Inspirational Thoughts
Monthly Inspiration – December 2020
Christ the King 2020 crowned in a Corona Year. The Feast of Christ the King signals the end of the current liturgical year and the following Sunday which is the First Sunday of Advent, starts a new liturgical year. Does Christ need this royal title? Not really, the first 19 centuries of Christianity survived comfortably without this feast. It was only introduced in 1925 and does justice to Jesus as a descendant of King David but at the time, around the First World War, it became a powerful symbol for monarchs and dictators who were in power, sending them a message that a kingdom is not built on wars and corruption, but on human values that foster respect for their subjects, treating them as heirs and partners. Even in today’s secular world of Law and Politics, there is something to be said for appealing to a higher authority. The biblical stories of the Kingdom of God to be realized here and now, remind us every day of Jesus, the role model of a Servant King and how we should follow in His footsteps. At baptism we are all anointed as heirs to God’s Kingdom. This is an Old Testament way of saying that in this world we have an important role to play in the formation of a spiritual people with a vision of justice and solidarity. The Gospel gives us signs of how we can recognize Christ in our midst or how we can act like Him. Visiting the sick and isolated; clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. Whatever we do for the least among us, we do for God. This is where religion makes an impact and faith gains credibility in today’s world. Worship accompanied by concrete acts of love is the crown jewel that makes Christ, both King and Good Shepherd. At the end of a liturgical year, we normally look back at all the activities and events that took place, and...