Meet the Parish 2022 big success!

Thank you so much for making the Meet the Parish Event on Sunday September 11th, such a grand success. At both masses, there was a lot of interest in the various groups and events that make our parish such a vibrant community, and we can report that many groups...

Message from David and Mira

Retired and emigrated.Dear fellow parishioners, through this message we would like to say a warm goodbye to you all and especially to those that we are lucky to call our friends! In the Church of Our Savior, it is not exactly uncommon to see people come and go, and...

50th Praatcafé

On Monday, 5 September the COS Praatcafé was held for the 50th time! The Praatcafé was an initiative of the Justice and Peace group’s refugee project to provide an informal setting where status holders can practice their Dutch conversation skills. Our guests...

Tower clocks to get makeover- UPDATE

The tower restauration project is now in full gear. The four clocks have been removed and taken to the restorers for a full “makeover”. The familiar chimes of the clocks will still ring out over the neighborhood in the meantime. The clocks will be returned...

Bumper car Mass

On Sunday, 21 August, Fr, Sjaak celebrated mass in his home town of Wevershof during their annual village festival. The mass was celebrated in the bumper car tent, with the congregation seated in the bumper cars. A block of melting ice provided a refreshing blessing...