Advent Giving Tree 2022

This beautiful Advent season comes with many wonderful moments of solidarity and warm hospitality. Our annual 50/50 Advent Giving Tree is now at the back of the church with 50 envelopes for the following recipients: Victims of Abuse/ViolenceRefugeesAdult Parishioners...

Altar Flowers Dedication for Sunday, 04 December

Today’s altar flowers are sponsored by the Pinedas, “In thanksgiving for blessings received and in celebration of Lena’s and Ernie’s birthdays on 25 and 28 November, resp.” If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers as a commemoration of a special...

Parish Board Thanksgiving Dinner

On Thursday 24 November, the Parish Board met for a Thanksgiving dinner in The Hague, to give thanks for another year of blessings on the COS parish community and to say thanks to Hans Bloemen and Marcel van Adrichem for having served on the Parish Board for 8 years....

Fun items needed for the Youth Group Room

The Youth Group in our parish welcomes young people between the ages of 12 to18. We plan to meet regularly in the COS Loft where we have a dedicated space filled with interesting activities for the purpose of having fun together, while learning about the important...

Pastor at Egmond Abbey

Fr. Sjaak was at Egmond Abbey in North Holland on Saturday 19 November to celebrate Mass with the community of Benedictine monks whose daily life of prayer and work focus on bearing witness to how good life is, when lived  in brotherly communion with God.  The care...