Plans are underway to have a Christmas concert and sing-a-long on Sunday, December 11th after the morning Mass.   Patricia Butterfield is organizing a Children’s Choir that will perform during this event.   If you would like to have your child...

The darkness grows and the days get colder. The streets are decorated with festive lights, even though we wonder where the money for the energy bills will come from over the next few months. We enter the festivities at the end of 2022 with mixed feelings. On one hand,...

Congratulations, Fr. Sjaak!

Best wishes on the 36th Anniversary of your priesthood! You’ve touched so many hearts and inspired so many lives. We pray that God will continue to bless you and strengthen you to continue the ministry entrusted in your care; May His goodness and kindness be with...

Bollywood Indian Evening

Come and enjoy authentic Indian food and entertainment on Saturday 12 November in the Atrium of our Pastoral Centre! Tickets will be sold starting this Sunday, 30 October at the Welcome Desk at the back of the Church after the Masses. Ticket prices: 20 Euros for...

October started with two receptions for newcomers after Mass. One great result was that over 30 people (ages 18-35) signed up for Theology on Tap. This is a new group for young people to discuss faith related topics relevant to their lives over a drink in the bar of...