Last Advent we never thought that for this year, Corona numbers would hit record highs. It has become an art therefore to look at life from a perspective of what is possible, rather than what is not. Advent rings in a new Liturgical year. The year 2022 looks promising for several reasons: we have much larger Confirmation and First Communion Groups, and once again a nice team of young adults is preparing themselves to be initiated into the Church at Easter 2022. In addition to the good news at our parish level, it is great to see that on a global level, Pope Francis is inviting us to participate in a synod. This exciting process of worldwide grassroots consultation will also take place in our parish. Hopefully, it will help us to formulate our vision and mission for our own community which will then contribute to the world around us. More on this subject will be discussed at the Pastoral Council meeting on 9th December. As in previous years during the season of Advent, the Advent Giving Tree has been set up in Church as well as digitally on our website. Fifty envelopes that can be filled with up to Euros 50 each will go to the beneficiaries indicated on the envelope. During this somber time of Advent, we can bring some joy to those who feel isolated, restricted, or without the means to participate in the warmth and joy of the season of Christmas. Pope Francis reminds us to meet each other in the Doing of Good. This is also why the last Sunday of the Liturgical year - the Feast of Christ the King, is a good reminder of the opportunity to do so. It is very interesting to see that in less than a century (since 1925), the Feast of Christ the King has gained recognition in all the historical Christian Churches and in hundreds of institutions and parishes worldwide carrying...

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